Of Bank Of China
random post from the studio...did i say i don't like what i'm doing now?
i need a good run with a good song playing in my head.
random post from the studio...did i say i don't like what i'm doing now?
i need a good run with a good song playing in my head.
take everything away and all i can say is that
The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see. ~G.K. Chesterton
once again thank you G.K. Chesterton
compared to Hong Kong or Singapore, This is the best noodles for its price and its springy egg taste is humbly satisfying. Kolo mee is unique to its locale and shouldn't be eaten anywhere else but in Kuching. So please go there and try the wonderful food. and meet the laid back chill dudes and dudettes too (who are at least 50 years of age)
eating university canteen food sucks. Especially when you just came back from food heavens like hong kong and malaysia. The only saving grace these days : Macdonalds serves Twister Fries, which i believe they secretly repackaged from A&W's curly fries.
Chang Chau is a a little island off Lantau, Hong Kong. Its a quaint island with the harbor then three rows of shophouses and then beach, yes its small little island where everything is chill, no vehicles or roads can be found (except for the fire truck and police patrol) and bicycles are prohibited on the weekends. Owen told me about this place, and thanks man, i loved it. Superb sky, great fun weaving through in and out of the little alleys to find egg tarts and the elusive fried shrimp roe noodles (i still can't find it).
Some of you may say nich and i look like we're damn sorry for committing some fashion crime on the atas area of mid levels escalator, but really it was very dry that day and my eyes were teary. I shit you not.
i love my lazy ass friends!!!
btw i still need some stuff like
1. slide film, fujichrome velvia iso 50
2. socks
3. iphone (i mean if 90 of you guys pool in ten bucks each :)))))) and for 5 bucks each i can get a nano and a couple of beers which at the point of typing this does sound better than the iphone.
4. space odyssey series of movie dvds (i'll love you for that)
5. complete my oasis cd collection (i'm short of Familiar to Millions)
6. Playstation 3 (like the iphone you know what to do)
7. Asus EEE pc. by now i realised that since i already asked for 3 and 6 i might as well ask for one of these and maybe
push my luck with number 8
8. a ferrari. i'll settle for anything except scaled downs.
Man would i take a year off to have this everyday in HK.
Steamed Milk in Egg White, scrambled eggs on toast and a bottle of milk.
At the very famous Australian Dairy off Jordan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Of which i was introduced by my mum on our previous trip there. We loved it so much we had breakfast there twice. That followed by Zha leong a few blocks down Jordan Rd.
I'm sifting through my photos now and because it's hong kong stuff i can catergorise them clearly into 1. Food 2. Architecture 3.Cats 4. random/known People photos. That might take alot of work and would be much more enjoyable with KFC egg tarts. Yes Hong Kong KFC egg tarts with a bought recipe from Macau's Cafe Nata. As wrong as it may sound, its actually damn good. I know it may go against everything i preach but damn it, Hong Kong's KFC's Daan Tart are like my chicken mcnuggets. You know for their family meal, the 8 chicken parts come with 4 dan tarts instead of the hard as rock stone buns they give here? how amazing is that?
anyway i digressed. need to unpack then pack for school and get over this period of self denial. Voices in my head are saying: "go have breakfast at gage st, go have supper at jordan, take the mtr not the mrt, trams are cheaper than SBS buses." all that and in a HK accent I'm all too accustomed to, to not laugh at anymore.
all chill, no work. Went to Stenley today, too many tourist, only saw this.
took a detour instead, wonderful surprises. and i'm very satisfied will post the photos soon. have fun and don"t think about school guys!
stil trying to find his posters for Christina. Not easy okay. if anyone knows where to get them pls buzz me.
Me, Dr Huo Ning, Shuxian, Prof Heng (Our Dean), Chin Wei, Jia Yi. The Corn, Nich, Jy amd Molly
Prof Heng! omg!errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr yeah Prof Heng and Huo Ning quite the gung ho
in Hong Kong, any wanton mee store beats the one in singapore, ANY. They just do it the right way here. and yes i like mine with coke, from a bottle with a cheap straw and half chilled.
and then before that we had donuts!!! With Chin Wei, me, Jy Molly and Nicholas. ITS MY VISIT TO FIRST KRISPY KREMES ! (checks off one number in the list of things to do before i die)
You know the world's a small place when you met your other archi mates here. Later on Phyllis joined us by surprise, she was getting some donuts with her aunt, they were on holiday..
from they famous Yee Shun Milk Company in Hong Kong. I love this milk custard to bits. You must try the milk with ginger one. Its orgasmic
eating the curdled parts on top sends me to heaven.
yaynesss!!! and i have to thank the one at the bottom of the list for this. Thank you!
Been staying over in studio the past few days. I'm dead beat now but at least the work is almost done with only the moving off to site left to go.
So Hong Kong here i come!!! woohoo
will be there till the 13th. The rest of the studio peeps will be coming back on 10th, so if your in the motherland of dim sum and wanton mee next week gimme a buzz yeah.
Oh and if you know whats good to eat or a cheap hostel to stay, drop me email please?