Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Of turning 24

I was once a young master


and till now i still don't know what i am a master of.
not that i don't like to NOT know.

23 went by in a swift and if it was anything to go by, 24 would go even faster and before you know it, i'll be a quarter of a century year old and still be small kid who wants to see more of everything with a camera stuck to my eye.

today in Hong Kong we went to the peak to see the sunset. Damn chio even with all the tourist and tripods all over.

View from the Peak

the guy in green damn spoiler lah, hahahahah

Group Shot ...with a guy in green

Oh and the ullllllimaaaaaate birthday cake ever. 24 Dan Tarts at the Peak!
From the cockles of my artery clogged heart. I am gan Dong-ed

24th birthday cake!

Thanks guys!

At the Peak

Oh and we had the most amazing roast meat ever just now.

Roast Meat

the Char Siew is OUT OF THIS WORLD! mind blowing piece of meat, so soft and marble-ly and the right balance of sweetness, burnt bits and sauce.

Me! with friends!

Doing the tourist thing getting a self portrait. at the Dragon Roast Meat Restaurant in Gage Street. Amazing roast stuff this stall has. The chef hand selects the pigs for the right age and amount of fat. That is passion i tell you.

and yes this is the one where Anthony Bourdain went.

but i still haven't had my Zha Leong!!! i want!


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