Thursday, January 24, 2008

Kolo Mee Kuching

Kolo Mee Kuching, originally uploaded by jonolist.

compared to Hong Kong or Singapore, This is the best noodles for its price and its springy egg taste is humbly satisfying. Kolo mee is unique to its locale and shouldn't be eaten anywhere else but in Kuching. So please go there and try the wonderful food. and meet the laid back chill dudes and dudettes too (who are at least 50 years of age)

eating university canteen food sucks. Especially when you just came back from food heavens like hong kong and malaysia. The only saving grace these days : Macdonalds serves Twister Fries, which i believe they secretly repackaged from A&W's curly fries.

btw go take this test

69% Geek

wah lau i'm definitely higher than that.


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