Monday, January 02, 2006

Pack School Bag?

I love it when Grandma asks: "pack your skoool barg or not"? I feel like a primary one school boy. Except the only differences are

1. Short shorts

2. Wrapped books, labelled with your class and name (Which i have shamefully admitted to Geri that my Mum does all that for me, shame shame)

3. Heavy ninja turtle like back packs

4. Bata shoes, though I really feel like getting a pair to make it "happen"

5. No Girls! (or if you were in an all girls primary school then "No Boys"

6. School Buses, but hey won't it be slick if we had like NUS buses that came to our doorstep, then we can see uni student's parents seeing them off. cute.

7. Good and cheap Canteen food. I loved the stalls in coleman street ACS primary. 50 cent noodles anyone?

But apart from that I still get the first day of school jitters. I have nightmares of forgetting to bring my pencil box (yes go on and check your own bag for pencil box now!) and wish for more pocket money (which i don't have anymore!!!). I love my grandma, she makes me feel young. She is still puzzled why uni students don't have a uniform.

She just asks if I had set my alarm clock.....thanks grandma, I almost forgot.


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