Tuesday, December 06, 2005

My Open Letter to SBS

Took the bus back home during peak period today, wah lau eh! I had to let pass about no less than FOUR SBS buses before i could get one home. OUI! Something is wrong here! Peak hour is no excuse okay. So here is my open letter, don't worry i'm not like asking them to close down or start a NKF-ish lawsuit, i really like bus rides, just that some things i felt have been overlooked.

Dear SBS,

Since my Red Ferrari Testa Rosa is still in it's raw unprocessed metal stage, i still have to rely on your services now. I have been taking your buses since the time when my mum had to pay via the in- bus conductor and kids and senior citizens REALLY had "half price". So far the service has been improving and but much more can be done. Here are a list of things i hope you take into consideration.

1. Please don't have fun with the passengers with your lousy bus schedules. Don't get what i mean? Explain why sometimes when i take 74, two buses come, the first one is crowded and the second one is empty. So we decide to not flag down the first one and go for the second one, for obvious reasons. Then the first bus passes by and then the second one goes of too. WTH? You easily leave ten angry people in the bus-stop late and feeling like losers.

2. Get rid of the green seats. If you plan you buses well, there will be seats for everyone and no need to reserve seats for those who need it more than you do. You say your buses are disabled friendly so how come not all buses allow wheelchairs? Why only one in like one million buses are disabled friendly? The green seats also make people like me feel very guilty when i'm like forced to seat on them. It's just damn dumb when your standing in a crowded bus and have two empty green seats in front of you. You stand you feel dumb, you seat you also feel dumb with all the weird stares. Aiyoh young boy like you seat on the green seat...hai...PLEASE lah got one more empty seat there, if you seat with me than that guy with his face squashed at the front door won't be so jialat okay. Just get rid of the green seat okay? Green doesn't match the overall colour scheme you guys got in the first place.

3. TV MOBILE! Tired workers and students want to sleep in peace also cannot. Though i will praise that your seats are getting more comfortable. But with the that irritating laughing sound when "just for laughs" is playing is like fingernails on a blackboard. Can you play more soothing stuff? Like more News with my favourite Suzanne Jung or Cheryl Fox, Glenda Chong also not bad. And please try not to play the same commercial back to back, it's irritating enogh to see one lame 1900 chatline ad, two is just inducing vomit.

4. Some of your buses move like they have the engine of a Mini Cooper. It's quite fustrating when your rushing for time? I'm not like telling you guys to take up racing lessons or go ZHNG the bus, just drive faster and CHANGE GEAR! But please also put a restraint on all the Micheal Schumacher wannabes. Some of them jam-break and accelerate as if Serangoon road was the Sepang Circuit.

5. Don't make me do the 100 hundred metre dash every morning, Singapore sprinting is quite good liao, we got a few medals in track and field. Some bus drivers are just damn evil lah, they can see we are running for the bus and just because we are like 5 metres too late you all drive off and pretend you never see us.

6. Your EZ link is not EeeZee. Sometimes you guys charge wrongly, sometimes the sensor don't work and it's damn stupid to leave alighting passengers standing in front of the doors as we wait eagerly for the damn machine to turn on. Just because you didn't tap the thing properly the damn thing sounds off like you just commited murder. I feel like ripping the thing to pieces.

7. Bring back the tickets leh. I want to make heart shape origami to impress girls, not only heart shape i can also make crane, pig and even a miniature bus. Plus all those numbers on the tickets give people inspiration to buy 4-D.

8. Please punish those inconsiderate sick losers who like to write phone numbers for free sex. Firstly they're liars cuz we know it's never free and the phone numbers have ten digits, huh? idiots!

Other than that keep up the good work. Most of your drivers are really kind people and they look real smart in that uniform. Only problem is that now i can never wear my light green long sleeve in public.

Yours truly


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