Saturday, February 02, 2008

Of Breakfast at 12

Breakfast at 12, originally uploaded by jonolist.

Slept half the day away and decided to cook something after eating all that crap in the past week they serve in school which tries to pass itself of as "food". DEAR NUS! THIS IS FOOD!: Scrambled eggs and toast, with fresh vegs along with milk juice and cereal. Perfect start to a rainy Saturday. no lectures, no studio. niceeeeee

I was at the table eating while grandma and "Dua Yi" (my aunt, Mum's older sister) told me something. My Gong Gong (my grandfather who left before i was born) used to take my mum to the coffeeshop everyday and my aunt would bring her back everyday as he left for work. It was a way for her to "get used to things". My mum never liked the coffee, till now she prefers tea, but she did like going out with him.

My aunt and grandma were at home after they went to visit gong gong's grave today. Though they little anecdote of mum and grandfather wasn't that interesting, it told me more of a person i hardly met. before. The little everyday events between parents and children are memories that never fade away. Made me regret alittle spending so much away from home these few months, not being at home spending more time with family.

Here's to you Gong Gong the invisible grandfather i never met. If you were around till now, i bet you'll be my number one blog reader. I think i got the tech genes from you.

God! I better stay at home more.


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