Sunday, November 04, 2007

Of moments

I miss not studio
i miss the idea of going out with a camera and shooting things,
along the way finding stuff
being an urban explorer
taking photos of things i could never really explain why
maybe thats the reason i feel uncomfortable
when people tell me to shoot things
pointing me to certain stuff, telling me what to take
because there lies a reason in shooting them
and the effect of it is lost when i try to take them
i rather shoot on random, below the hip
i rather the unexplained,
the ones that only explain themselves after they were taken
the kind that just tells you why when you look at it
no thinking, no rationlising
just is. Its "iki" that way
more fuzzy. Just the way i like them.
If only i had more tutors who had more "Iki" in them
school would be so much less boring

Spootiswoode Park, originally uploaded by jonolist.

People's Park, originally uploaded by jonolist.

People's Park, originally uploaded by jonolist.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i miss going out with my notebook and writing! i still wanna go to kranji!

7:45 PM, November 04, 2007  

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