Friday, August 31, 2007

of random urban stuff the need to update

looking through some backlog of photos i had awhile back. Been rather busy lately with lotsa stuff of which i'm rather excited about and would show to you guys soon, in a week or two but for now, i got to get to work and catch up on snooze on a precious friday evening. Enjoy some scenes in Bras Basah, of which lately i have taken a fond liking of the food and secret spaces around it. The food i'll share, but the spaces i'll keep for myself.

ref third pic:I never realised the high denisty of greens we had in this area, it was strange to then be enlightened by a black and white photo of it.

PatternLife, originally uploaded by jonolist.

UrbanGeometry, originally uploaded by jonolist.

StreetScapes, originally uploaded by jonolist.


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