Thursday, August 09, 2007

Ice Cream Feast @ Home

Ice Cream Feast @ Home, originally uploaded by jonolist.

the Tuckshop outing didn't go as planned (some weird photo exhibition / cheap food buffet going on there). So we all went back to my place to help me taste test (and finish up) my two batches of ice cream. Vanilla Apricot flavor and Nutella Ice Cream. *Note to self: Nutella is very thick and hard to add to ice cream when churning if you don't dilute it with some oil and cream.

Glad everyone liked it, i'm gonna do more soon, will try some Baileys, Chocolate, and Masala Chai stuff next time. Thanks Molly Andrea Owen Samantha Thomas.

Oh and i never knew Ice Cream and playing Taboo could be such a fun combination. Team Kitchenaid vs Team Durum Wheat (because that's what pasta is made from....okay long story). Durum Wheat won most of the games, but that's before we decided to play Guys versus Girls. Or what i would like to call, Standers vs Sitters. Girls beat us hands down...we let them win one mah!!

It was damn funny when Owen had to play one particular card to Thomas and me.

Owen: guys have one but three of us don't have!
Thomas: Belly!
Me: Beer belly!
Owen: Noooooo. DON"T HAVE not HAVE!
Thomas: hur? orrrr ABs!??
Me: yeah Abs!
Owen yeah abs but another name!
Me: Abdominals? Abdominal muscles?
Thomas: Flat???
Owen: yeah but another name for it! You give a number to it!
Me: !!!!! SIX PACK!!!!!

proceeds to clear that card in time! funny how we all admit the fact that the three of us lack a set of those. The ice cream totally didn't help then.


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