Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Team Fong crosses the Kl roads

Team Fong crosses the Kl roads, originally uploaded by jonolist.

So we spent day two (17 May 2006) in KL where Molly brought us around her hometown. Kuala Lumpur's a really modern place with damn tall buildings, busy roads and drivers who don't really signal, probably because KL is near Sepang where Formula One races are held every year.

We took the bus from Molly's house which wasn't too far away from the city centre. Bus rides are cheap and classic, you pay cash (of which is usually less than 1 ringgit) to a bus conductor who gives you those old school vintage tickets, no EZ link or TV mobile here. The buses have that classic bells and the round red buttons and even though there is no air-con I conclude that I love malaysian buses. aku cinta bus malaysia.

KL Bus, originally uploaded by jonolist.

And then we spent most of the time walking the streets of KL by foot, traffic lights don't really help here and the weird this is those yellow stripes on the road aren't funky zebra crossings, their actually pedestrian crossing with traffic lights. Dangerous...dunch anyheow cross, look left look right then left again and then right for three to four times then run!

Team Fong cross junction, originally uploaded by jonolist.

DSC02702, originally uploaded by jonolist.

The final spot in our mini KL city tour was the Petronas Towers, yeah those two spikes which on google earth really look like over-stretched Bras from that Madonna outfit. We spent alot of time there taking photos, admiring the interior of the lobby which is also the entrance to their performance halls. Yes, concert performance halls in a skyscraper along with a gig-normous shopping centre behind and throw in train station in it too to top it all off. mother big

DSC02721, originally uploaded by jonolist.

Petronas 1, originally uploaded by jonolist.

And then it got dark and Molly's very hospitable parents treated us to damn good zhi char which really tested my stomach's capacity. Wah lau power frog legs and pork ribs. Her dad kept making Shuxian and me eat and there was no way we couldn't say no. We stayed in Molly's house for two nights where we watched Barcelona beat Arsenal, of course Molly wasn't too happy about it but heck she's happy Henry is staying on with the Gunners.

Anyhoo the train rides in KL are almost like MRTs here just that the announcer is a guy with a husky voice. The train squeeze and kiasuism is present there too, trust me, never stand outsite the yellow box unless you want to see three trains go past you before you squeeze you face on the other side of the train window.

Xinjia KL train, originally uploaded by jonolist.

This is Xinjia on the train trying to take a Team shot. She does this camera stunt all the time, stick out the camera above her head, lean back a little and just snap away. Half the time she gets shots of our hair or just empty sky. Please do visit Xinjia's new blog where this melayu guy infatuated, R&B soul hearted Bedok girl writes about her interesting perspectives on all things hipperning. Zhai boh!

More photos of our KL trip can be viewed here.

Kuala Lumpur Mosiac, originally uploaded by jonolist.


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